ACRE would like to encourage you to start a network group of church educators! A $500 grant is available (through Faith Alive Christian Resources) to help for any ACRE member start a group. This grant can be used in a variety of ways from purchasing books for book discussions or paying for a guest speaker. This is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the educational ministry and to build relationships with other educators in your area. A trip to the APCE (Association of Presbyterian Church Educators) conference in January in San Antonio, TX for the leader is also included!
Why all this emphasis on network groups? Many church educators are volunteers or ministry staff with a heart for ministry but not necessarily a lot of training in church education. A network group can provide support and encouragement for your ministry and build a broader awareness of what church education is all about.
Why all this emphasis on network groups? Many church educators are volunteers or ministry staff with a heart for ministry but not necessarily a lot of training in church education. A network group can provide support and encouragement for your ministry and build a broader awareness of what church education is all about.