Tuesday, February 10, 2009

While the adults are in small groups…

We have been using the small group format for some of our evening services. The High school teens and adults are studying Living in Community for five weeks. We first gather for 18 minutes in the sanctuary for singing, prayer, and a short devotional lead by the pastor. Then we break into small groups.

For the children we have been using Kid Connection. I have chosen lessons that fit with the theme of the studies that the adults are using. Kid Connection is large group/ small group format so the middle school kids help with the large group presentations and with the younger children during the small group time. Two adults lead the children each session. The adults have had plenty of material to use and enjoyed working with the kids and working together as a team for one lesson. It has been a good fit for our church.

For these 5 weeks the curriculum for the children is:
Session 1: Foundations
  • “Red Rope Rescue,” Kid Connection Year 1 Quarter 2 Unit 5 Session 3
  • Focus: Rahab helped the spies because she trusted God. God made her part of his family.
Session 2: Worship – We’ll focus on Foundations from Session 1
  • “I’m With You,” Kid Connection Year 1 Quarter 2 Unit 6 Session 1
  • Focus: God lead Ruth to join God’s people.
Session 3: Fellowship
  • “Lazarus, Come Out!” Kid Connection Year 2 Quarter 2 Unit 5 Session 4
  • Focus: By making Lazarus alive again, Jesus showed that nothing can ever keep us from his loving care.
  • Emphasize how Jesus cried with the people when he heard that Lazarus had died. He also rejoiced when Lazarus was raised. We also cry and rejoice together.
Session 4: Challenges – Forgiveness
  • “Zacchaeus, Come on Down!” Kid Connection Year 2 Quarter 2 Unit 5 Session 2
  • Focus: Jesus can change sinful people into friends and followers.
Session 5: Witness – Creation Care
  • “You’re In Charge!” Kid Connection Year 1 Quarter 1 Unit 1 Session 3
  • Focus: God let’s us be in charge of the whole world and all the creatures in it.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I Wonder What Else He Heard

My husband Bob and I have been writing Christmas dramas for a number of years. We wrote because we couldn’t find a Christmas program for kids that kids could enjoy presenting, that adults would appreciate and that had an overriding principal. In our latest play, two Hebrew people are talking about the new coffee shop in Israel the year Jesus was born. In a discussion about the special language used in coffee shops, one person complains about how you can’t just say “I’d like it fast” you had to say “I’d like it ‘Expresso’.”

Sunday a mother from our church told me about a visit she made to the coffee shop with her four year old son. After getting the coffee, the four year old asked his mother if she had to get it ‘Expresso’. He even used quotey fingers like the kid in the play did. This line was exactly as it was in our Christmas drama. I guess he was listening.

My first thought was that of all the good stuff we put in the play, why did this child remember only the ‘Expresso’ line? My husband’s response to the story was different. He figured if the child heard that part, imagine what else he heard! I guess that is part of the mystery and joy of working with children.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Children's Books about Worship

The Calvin Symposium on Worship was held at the end of January. Beside thoughtful worship services, there were many great workshops. At one workshop Kristen Verhulst shared several children’s books about worship. Children’s books offer another avenue to teaching our children the language the worship. Books can help kids revel in the presence of our great God and help kids and adult articulate our faith.

Kristen is always updating her list of books and has posted it on the web! Check it out!