Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I Wonder What Else He Heard

My husband Bob and I have been writing Christmas dramas for a number of years. We wrote because we couldn’t find a Christmas program for kids that kids could enjoy presenting, that adults would appreciate and that had an overriding principal. In our latest play, two Hebrew people are talking about the new coffee shop in Israel the year Jesus was born. In a discussion about the special language used in coffee shops, one person complains about how you can’t just say “I’d like it fast” you had to say “I’d like it ‘Expresso’.”

Sunday a mother from our church told me about a visit she made to the coffee shop with her four year old son. After getting the coffee, the four year old asked his mother if she had to get it ‘Expresso’. He even used quotey fingers like the kid in the play did. This line was exactly as it was in our Christmas drama. I guess he was listening.

My first thought was that of all the good stuff we put in the play, why did this child remember only the ‘Expresso’ line? My husband’s response to the story was different. He figured if the child heard that part, imagine what else he heard! I guess that is part of the mystery and joy of working with children.

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