Saturday, July 26, 2008


The year is winding down but my thoughts are about what the next year will look like. Who will teach? How many three and four year olds will be coming? How much material and supplies should I order? Sometimes my mind gets so caught up in thinking about the details that I forget to think about the people.

Ministry includes so many children. I think about the 3 year old who is allergic to wheat and the child who does not want his mother to leave. I think about the 7 year old who appears to have no friends. I think about the 12 year old who who seems to always be irritated about something. I think about the 15 year old whose parents are getting a divorce. I think about the 16 year old taking on the responsibility of driving. I think about the 17 year old who is making decisions about what do to after high school.

These thought can leave me feeling overwhelmed. How can all these needs be met? Focusing on details is a lot easier.

Then I remember that I really only need to be faithful. This is a word that has meant a lot to me ever since I read Real Kids, Real Faith by Karen Marie Yust. I’m not sure I am using the term the same way she does but I’ve been thinking about that word a lot lately. I have been called to serve the Lord and use my gifts in ministry. This isn’t a vocation I chose. It chose me. My focus needs to change from me to God. It helps me to remember that it isn’t my job to form the faith of the children. My job is a lot smaller than that. It is my job to provide the tools for children and other adults to know God and see recognize the gifts that God has given them to be faithful. I’m merely doing the work that he’s asked me to do – I don’t have to do everything to build up the faith of all the people I work with. I only have to be faithful in that work. And as I am, I have the privilege of listening and watching to see God’s work as I and the people I serve are being formed by God in our faith.

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