The Credentialing Committee is made up of two people who are experienced

My interview was at 3:30 pm—an hour I began to regret when at 3:00 afternoon drowsiness hit and my eyelids started to feel heavy! But the interview was friendly and encouraging, with questions about my faith statement, strengths and weaknesses, and why I desire to be credentialed. Over half of the bi-national committee joined us by phone from around Canada and the United States, reminding me of the scope of the credentialing process. Once credentialed in educational ministry, my credentials will hold true for every classis in the CRCNA.
After the interview I received a call from Jeanne Kallemeyn, staff ministry specialist, and member of the Credentialing Committee. She welcomed me into the process and emailed me information on the next steps—choosing a Learning Partner (LP), assessing my current level of skills, knowledge, and character for ministry, and developing an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) for growth. The credentialing process includes a summary of core requirements in each of these areas that will guide me as I work with a Learning Partner to design an ILP.
This is an exciting process—one that could bless individuals, churches, and the whole denomination as educational ministries are strengthened!
If you’re interested in becoming credentialed in church education contact Jeanne Kallemeyn at or 616-726-1152 for more information.
written by Jolanda Howe, CRC Educator